Mark M Connor’s

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public your book in 5 large UK libraries

About The Author.

My Name is Mark M Connor, I have written many books for order/sale, including my Autobiographies and they delight me. I was an alcoholic. If you read my books, you will see, that I was addicted, to many things throughout my life!

One of my favourite books is my autobiography, ‘Hindsight’ how life was for me as an alcoholic, and a drug addict, as well as suffering from various mental health conditions. All my books are in detail, about how I survived in institutions. Life is much better now, and one reason for this is my beloved Westie ‘Barnaby’, he is my life. I write about how my lifestyle changed dramatically because I committed myself to the responsibility of having a pet, the first year was the toughest, turbulent times, but we now make life beautiful together. My books have been sought after by the ‘British Library’, London. I write about my determination to become self-employed, after living off benefits for the majority of my adult life. My quest continues with the first step ‘studying’.

My other books include The guide to our wonderful fruit and vegetables, and their benefits. This is one of my personal favourites. It gives guidance to storing and the health benefits of consuming. Then there’s, Herbs and Spices, which I consider to be a piece of art, it contains 59 different herbs and spices and mentions some of the benefits. I adore this book, it’s an artisan. Another book, ‘All about me’, no introduction needed, the heading says it all. I hope you find my books intriguing, I certainly enjoyed writing them.

Mark M Connor

A unique writer, Mark M. Connor

A writer with prose, bringing about and affecting cathartic ‘emotions’. Mark is superior, honest, charming, evocative, fabulous, and a powerfully engaging budding author, who has given heartache, with inspiration, and cheerfulness, but in the smartest, most fantastic, and cleverest of ways. Let’s not forget classy, with much much-loved originality, with passion for ambition, that I guarantee will make you chuckle.

This makes me proud to be referred to as by many, ‘a credit to society’. After reading Mark’s work, I’m sure you will agree it is unique.

Is now studying at college Functional skills English.


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Dear mark I cannot express how much I enjoyed reading the book!!! It’s fabulous ⭐️?I love all the ??and wonderful exciting , and emotional adventures ! Congratulations!! ?????fabulous origanal idea ? Well done and Thankyou. We will keep it forever and read often xx

this was the feedback I received from my emoji book!

Other books



The Troll Called Wilf






DLC, Access Course


The Influenced



The Bodleian Library request that I send them 5 BARNABY books.

Agency for the Legal Deposit Libraries, Unit 21 Marnin Way, Edinburgh EH12 9GD

Why are they requesting these 5 copies?

The Bodleian Library, Cambridge University Library, the National Library of Scotland, the National Library of Wales and the Library of Trinity College, Dublin, are each entitled to delivery, free of charge, of one copy of every publication that they request.


The legal deposit system benefits for authors:


YOUR book is going to have exposure in 5 large UK libraries.


Deposited publications are made available to users of the deposit libraries on their premises, are preserved for the benefit of future generations, and become part of the nation’s heritage


Publications are recorded in the online catalogues, and become an essential research resource for generations to come


Most of the books and new serial titles are listed in the British National Bibliography (BNB), which is used by librarians and the book trade for stock selection. The BNB is available on CD-ROM in MARC Exchange formats, and has a world-wide distribution


Publishers have at times approached the deposit libraries for copies of their own publications which they no longer have, but which have been preserved through legal deposit


Legal deposit supports a cycle of knowledge, whereby deposited works provide inspiration and source material for new books that will eventually achieve publication.

I offer the following services: Printing, Photocopying, including: signage and Flyers

My name is Mark M. Connor; I am a budding author, who at the age of 56 has taken up studying, yes, later in life, to improve on my grammar and punctuation. I have written 37 books to date, each with their own ISBN number, and are currently for sale via this website. I am an adult student in working progress, following my dreams as a writer. I welcome any feedback.

Please feel free to contact me:

Tel: 074 553 308 46
Phone: 01202 619 934


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